Sunday, May 8, 2011

Cyber Safety (NETS 5)

With the use of Google sites, I collaborated with a group of students, creating a cyber-safety website which, promotes safe and legal web practices.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Inspirations (NETS 1-5)

The following diagram demonstrates the relationship between class activities and iste standards.

Monday, May 2, 2011

iMOVIE (NETS 1-3, 5)

With iMovie software I was able to create an educational movie about CSUSM. The movie demonstrating my proficiency in film editing. Which displays digital age work and learning. 

NETS- 1-3, 5

Monday, April 25, 2011

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Journal 8 (NETS 1-5)

Thompson, A, & Crompton, H. (2010, August). Point/counterpoint is technology killing critical thinking?. Leading and Learning, 38(1), Retrieved from

Point/counterpoint is technology killing critical thinking. Iste Leading and Learning, 38(1), Retrieved from

Summary: Alfred Thompson believes technology has been introduced to students as a device to make work easier. For example, word processor eliminates spell check. While PowerPoint’s has taken the creativity of poster boards. Many sites which can be used as critical thinking tools are blocked. In addition, schools do not teach 'real' computer science according to Thompson. In contrast, Helen Crompton believes technology supports critical thinking skills. However, it is the way teachers apply these tools which can determines whether it supports critical thinking skills. With class blogs students are able to view and evaluate each other’s work. Crompton believes students will place extra time and thought into their work knowing the public can view.

Question 1: Do you believe digital tools bring creativity to the classroom?
I also believe technology can bring creativity to the classroom if applied properly. In a classroom observation I conducted, a teacher incorporated her lab time working on a word processor. She spent an entire class period having the students type their hand written papers onto a word document. However if the teacher would have created a class blog this would have added another aspect to the project. Where her students can view and evaluate each other’s work.

Question 2: How would you as a teacher incorporate technology tools to enhance creativity?
Crompton states, "critical thinking is the ability to carefully evaluate and think about the information presented to us" (Thompson, & Crompton, 2010). Many digitals tools enable critical thinking skills. Digital tools such as Blogs, PLN, Diigo all contribute to critical thinking. When students observe classmates blogs they are reading and evaluating each other’s work. Blogs also allow students to be creative with the pages and materials presented. If students organize a PLN of their own they are able to voice their opinions and take learning in their own hands.

Journal 7 PLN (NETS, 5)

Personal learning network is a community of individuals with same interest. As a future teacher, with my PLN I am able to enhance my knowledge. Therefore, I have organized a personal learning network as a learning tool. My PLN include Twitter, Diigo and Educator PLN. From these sites I am able to communicate with other educators and acquire new knowledge. I am also able to share my knowledge with other peers. The web holds a community of profession learners of all types. My PLN holds information about special education, elementary school and technology. As a future teacher, this will help me by extending my network of professionals to acquire new knowledge and/or advice. I can also teach technology in the classroom with my newly acquired technology skills.

My twitter network includes various educators and students. Such as, Cybraryman1 an educator and writer. Bel is interested in language and creative ideas. Pam Elgin a retired elementary school teacher interested in web development. Hubert Yee edutopian background in nonprofit and learning such as myself. In addition, students in my technology class as well as my technology professor Jeff Heil. I selected my network because I felt the people I follow have the same interest as I do.

With TweetDeck I was able to able to participate in two chats simultaneously.
On Friday, April 22, 2011, at 4pm I participated in a gifted and talented student chat(#gtchat).As the GT chat was coming to an end a 5pm middle school chat started(#midleved). The gifted and talented chat discussed, the different priorities parents verse kids have. Followed by the topic of how to say no to a student and/or self. While this chat was coming to an end I participated in a middle school chat which one of my followers conducted. This chat discussed social house where students are divided up into sectors. Followed by, does your school structure support the mission statement/goals. Throughout both chats voices and opinions were stated along with related web links. Although I would like to specialize in special education I beilieve it is important to know all aspects of the education system. Participating in this chats has made me realize how easy I can access the world of knowledge. I am able to connect with individuals who I typically may not have had access to.

With Diigo a social bookmarking site I am able to bookmark and tag websites, which is easily accessible. In addition I am able to access peers bookmarks. With my network of professionals I was able to access interesting information which could help me with lesson plans, ideas and/or educating myself. I was able to access an article which describes several technology skills every educator should know. As a future educator I would like to know various technology skills I may not be aware of. Another bookmark I found from diigo PLN was information on prezi a presentation website. I think prezi is an amazing presentation website. However I found it difficult to use. From this bookmark I found a website which assist me on my prezi presentation. Then I visited one blog which a teacher reflects about her experience using web 2.0. I am fairly new to web 2.0 therefore, it is valuable to connect with other teachers who can reflect on the same experience.

I joined the digital discussion forum Educator's PLN. Educator's PLN is a website designed for teachers to collaborate with each other. Within the website there is educatonal video, forums and chats. I was also able to connect with other members who have the same educational interest as myself. On the website I explored a digital educational video. Alan November discusses three skills parents and educators need to teach students. Such as, information processing, global communication and being self-directed. Information process which, is giving students as much information as possible. Alan discusses the importance of global communication skills. He believes global communication skills are not taught in our school systems. The importance of being self-directed learner. Companies need to hire individuals who don't need managment. Things move faster without layers of management. He believes the American school systems are not designed to do those things. As a teacher it is vital to research other educators thoughts about the education system. Web 2.0 has allowed me to build a PLN allowing me to manage a wealth of information. Preparing me to teach to the best of my abilities.

Journal 9 (NETS 1, 2,3, 5)

Waters, J. (2011). Teaching green. The Journal, 38(4), Retrieved from

Summary: The article, Teaching Green by John Waters recommend several websites teachers and students can use to discuss environmental issues for various age groups. The first site is Classroom Earth, which provides activities for high school students. The website provides lesson plans in all subjects from biology to art. The website also provides classes which are available to further education. A second site is A Walk In The Woods, which targets city kids from third to fifth grade. This amazing site gives city children the opportunity to access the nature through a virtual tour. These city students otherwise may never have the opportunity to see the woods. The virtual tour includes graphic verbal description along with sound effects. Another website is EEK! which, provide students from the fourth to eight grade an 'electronic magazine' of environmental information. Finally there was PowerUp, this is an education video game. This allows students to learn about extreme weather and fossils fuels in a creative way.

Question 1: Should students learn about being green in school?
I think this is an amazing article which provides very knowledgeable material. Environment issues are a part of science. I believe this subject is very important to are environment. Many of these sites have creative methods in teaching green which will support creativity. For example, students can think about being green and start a recycle fund raiser and/or organize a trash cleanup day.

Question 2: How can you teach green?
With technology tools teachers are able to access endless amounts of knowledge. Students are not limited to just the teacher’s knowledge. As an educator it is our responsibility to be learners. Digital technology supports this.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Journal 10: (NETS 1-5)

Fingal, D. (2011, March/April). Being the change she wants to see in the schools. Learning and Leading with Technolohy, 38(6), Retrieved from

Summary: In the article, Being The Change She Wants To See In The Schools, Fingal recognizes Shannon McClintocks Miller's work. Shannon McCintock Miller is a teacher who dedicates her life to her profession. Miller is the district librarian and technology coordinator. She is an 'extraordinary' teacher that has brought change to the school, as well as a voice to her students. She has brought technology to the school. She was able to supply every student from 6-12th grade with laptops. She also teaches a personal learning network class. She has exposed her students to other students across the country with Skype. She has also brought influential people into her classroom through technology. In addition, Miller writes articles for Learning and Leading.

Question1: What can you do to bring technology into the classroom?
As a future elementary school teacher I can introduce my students to the world of technology. I believe it is important to teach children technology early in this digital aged society. I am able to demonstrate technology by a weekly newsletter created with a word document. I can also show students how to create a class blog. For career day I can bring parents into the class through Skype. To discuss their occupation.

Question 2: Do you think it is the teacher responsibility to bring technology into the classroom?
In this digital age society, technology is vital. I believe technology brings creativity and critical thinking. Technology can bring a new aspect to school. Students can have class discussion any time. Technology is able to bring all students a voice. Students can expand their knowledge by creating a personal learning network of their own.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Journal 6 (NETS 3, 4, 5)

Journal #6: “Grow Your Personal Learning Network” by David Warlick (NETS 3&5)

Warlick, D. (2009). Grow your personal learning network. Leading and Learning With Technology, 36(6), Retrieved from

The article, Growing your Personal Learning Network, by David Warlick explains how PLN allows educators to communicate with each in exchange of knowledge. Warlick describes three types of personal learning networks, personally maintained synchronous connections, personally and socially maintained semisynchronous connection and dynamically maintained asynchronous connections. The first type is personally maintained synchronous connections such as, texting, Skype and iChat. This is the tradition networking of people while location is not a barrier. The second type is personally and socially maintained semi synchronous connections such as, Google Docs, Facebook walls and group discussion boards. Personal learning networks sites such as these are used to consult profession expertise and/or advice. Regardless of time zones conversations continue to take place. The exchange of information is held on each individual’s schedules. The last type is dynamically maintained asynchronous connections such as, Diigo and Delicious. Both these sites are social bookmarking sites. This allows educators to exchange knowledge on useful websites. These resources are recommended by professionals.
Question 1: What technological tool did you find useful in building your PLN? Why?
One tool I found useful in building my PLN was twitter. I always thought of twitter as a social website versus a profession learning network site. I was able to build my PLN and gain valuable resources. I was able to follow people interested in special education and elementary school. I was also able to find valuable information on technology tools and applications.

Question 2: What PLN tool do you find most useful for students?
I found two technological tools most useful for students. I found Google docs and blogs most valuable for students. With Google docs students are able to collaborate together. Giving each other feedback. Students are able to work on presentations together where geographic location is not an issue. As for class blogs students are able to participate in class discussions regardless of shyness or class time. In addition students are able to view each other’s work and compare and contrast.

Diigo Tagroll

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Presentation Assessment (NETS 1-3)

Using excel I created a form assessing my prezi presentation

CLICK HERE for assessment results!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Prezi NETS 1-3

With the Prezi presentation software, I created a lesson plan exhibiting knowledge and skills with the use of modern technology.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Friday, March 4, 2011

Journal 5: Should Schools be Responsible for Cyberbullying? (NETS-T V)

Bogacz, R, & Gordillo, M. (2011). Should schools be held responsible for cyberbullying. Learning & Leading with Technology, Retrieved from,

In the article, Should Schools be Held Responsible for Cyberbullying argues for and against the induviduals who should be held responsible over cyberbullying. Renne Bogacz, explains the problems of cyberbulling can result into children taking their own lives. Cyberbulling effects the school community therefore, educating parents, teachers and school administrator about the cyberbulling is vital. While Miguel Gordillo believe cyberbulling is a behavior problem which stems from home issues. Bully is a result of broken homes which can not be a schools issue. Parental love and support is the cure to end all bully issues.

Question 1: Who do you feel should be responsible for cyberbullying? What should be done?
Cyberbulling effects the school learning environment which should be addressed in school Most cyberbulling is directly correlated with bullying in general. With some schools being on a tight budget addressing the problem can be costly. In alternative way would be to address them as an individual basis. As well as including the issue as a class lecture topic.
Questions 2: With the increase of cyberbullying should their be more internet restriction in the school?
Bullying and cyberbulling will continue being an issue. By teaching technology skills teachers will have a chance to monitor the problem as well as teach students proper internet behavior.

Journal 4: Classroom Technology (NETS-T I-V)

Schaffhauser, D. (2010, December 1). It's time to trust teachers with the internet:: a conversation with Meg Ormiston. Retrieved from

In this digital age society teachers are being pressured to learn and use technology in the classrooms. Teachers then try to incorporate these web tools into their curriculum, to discover many of web sites are regulated. School administrator continue  placing internet site  restrictions for poor reasoning and/or reasons unknown. Meg Ormiston a advocate of integrating technology in schools, believes school district are placing these internet restrictions due to the lack of trust in the teachers. 

Question 1: As a teacher why do you feel it is important to gain access to web 2.0 social web sites?
Allowing technology into the classrooms promotes and models digit citizenship and responsibility. Cyber bulling has become a problem in this 21 century. If teacher gain access to these sites they are able to guide and monitor the students while educating students appropriate online behavior. 

Question 2: What are the pro and cons with incorporating web 2.0 in the classrooms?
Using web 2.0 in the classrooms may inspire students learning and creativity. Allowing all students to voice their opinions.
However giving students Internet access may lead to cyber bullying and tempt students to socialize.


Journal 1: DO Web 2.0 Right (NETS-T I-V)

Journal 1: Do Web 2.0 Right (NETS-T I-V)

Light, D. (2011, February). Do web 2.0 right. Leaning and Leading with Technology, 38(5), Retrieved from

In the article, Do Web 2.0 Right, a team of researchers look into effective ways a teachers can incorporate web 2.0 tools successfully into the classroom. They discovered three elements making the use of  web 2.0 tools such as, wikis and/or blogs work successful in the classroom. First element, is incorporating web tools into students daily activities. This can engage better communication and writing skills. In addition, students who are typically shy in person, online communication may allow them to voice their opinions. Secondly, careful consideration of the audience who will have access to the students information. As well as, careful consideration of the topics discussed between the audience. The third element is appropriate online behavior. Students need to respect each other online as well as off. All web use should pertain to class material and class discussions, no social networking between students.

Question 1:  Why might web 2.0 be useful in the classroom?
By incorporating technology into the classrooms adds another dimension of learning which enhances engagement, communication and creativity. This allow students who are typically shy in class, a chance to feel more comfortable, engaging in class discussions. This also promotes a community of educators, allowing student to use and share ideas and knowledge amongst each other. 

Question 2: What can cause web 2.0 to be unsuccessful in the classroom?
Web 2.0 can be unsuccessful if students are not clear about the appropriate use of web 2.0.Teachers should give clear instructions on the rules and assignments. Any technology use should be for educational purposes only. Social networking amongst the students is not prohibited. Appropriate online behavior is mandatory amongst the students.

Journal 2: Join the Flock (NETS-T III, IV, V)

Ferguson, H. (2010). Join the flock!. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(8), Retrieved from

Miller, S.M. (2010). Enhance your twitter experience. Leading and Learning With Technology, 37(8), Retrieved from

In article one, Hadley Ferguson invites readers to a join professional learning network (PLN) community on twitter. Twitter holds a web community of professional learners of all types of interest such  math and/or science, elementary school and/or high school. Building your PLN on twitter takes time and dedication. However the pay off is big, the profession of learning and teaching will grow and continue to develop. In the second article, Shannon McClintok Miller shares her knowledge about twitter, by offering tips on acquiring proficiency on twitter. She suggest using 'TweetDeck' or 'Hootsuite' for organization. As well as 'hashtag' to increase your network and knowledge.

Question 1:Why would joining twitter be beneficial to a teacher?
As a future teacher I believe it is vital to model digital work and learning. Twitter can be a place where teachers can find knowledge on a subject matter and share teaching ideas.Teachers are able to acquire knowledge while improving their teaching skills.

Question 2: How will you as a teacher enhance your use on twitter?
I will enhance my experience on twitter by carefully building my twitter PLN community which is relevant to what I am teaching and other educational interest. My network will consist of professionals with valuable information on general education and/or special education. I will also spend the majority of my time on twitter for research and education purposes.   

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Journal 3: 100 THINGS (NETS-T I)

Journal 3:  In honor of Valentine's Day (or week for my Thursday class), I want you to compose a list of 100 things that make you happy.  I want them numbered and of course there is no APA citation needed.  When you feel stressed out around Spring Break, you can refer back to your list to re-ground yourself ;-)

  1. My baby Taylor
  2. My husband
  3. My chihuahua Taco
  4. My chihuahua Cha Cha
  5. My chihuahua Chica
  6. My English Mastiff Molly
  7. My Giant sSchnauzer Edie
  8. Beah
  9. Walking my dogs
  10. Red wine
  11. Taylor taking long naps
  12. When my baby sleep through the night
  13. Beach cruising
  14. Chocolate
  15. Italian food
  16. Vacations
  17. Shopping
  18. New Jeans
  19. Getting my nails done
  20. Sleep
  21. Exercising
  22. Family
  23. My sister Jessica
  24. My sister Jackie
  25. My brother Frank
  26. My brother Al
  27. My Dad
  28. The fact that I live far away from my family
  29. My mother-in law
  30. Clean house
  31. Clean car
  32. Flowers
  33. Reading
  34. Spin Class
  35. Watching Taylor learn how to walk
  36. Taking Taylor to music class
  37. Teaching Taylor how to swim
  38. Making Taylor laugh
  39. Laughing
  40. Music
  41. Watching my dogs go crazy at dog beach
  42. Learning
  43. Cute purses
  44. Jokes
  45. Sunday Football
  46. Dodgers
  47. Running
  48. Coffee
  49. Jewelry
  50. Getting my teeth clean
  51. Reading
  52. Kate Session Park
  53. Edu 422 Class
  54. Foosball
  55. drinks with umbrellas
  56. Friends
  57. San Diego
  58. Sunset
  59. Watching the sunset while drinking red wine
  60. Nice dinners
  61. Margaritas 
  62. Thanksgiving
  63. Strawberries
  64. Massages
  65. Hiking
  66. Fireplace
  67. bond fires
  68. Smores
  69. Traveling
  70. Home cooked food
  71. Kittens
  72. Plays
  73. Concerts
  74. Make-up
  75. Nice people
  76. My Grandma
  77. Laptop
  78. Shopping for my baby
  79. Pictures
  80. TV
  81. Pools
  82. Sunny day's
  83. Organization
  84. Hot showers
  85. IPOD
  86. High heels
  87. Rain boots
  88. Umbrellas
  89. Dog park
  90. Taking Taylor to the park
  91. Watching Taylor play with baby friends
  92. Chocolate covered Strawberries
  93. Bowling
  94. Getting eyebrows waxed
  95. Spray tans
  96. Volunteering
  97. Sea world
  98. Holiday
  99. Clean Dogs
  100. Nice views

Monday, February 28, 2011

Technology Self Assessment: School 2.0 (NETS 3)

I investigated NETS-T Module number three, Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experience and Assessment. Professional growth as a teacher can require learning new educational information as well as learning new teaching methods. The article, Using the TPACK Framework: You Can Have your Hot Tools and Teach with Them, Too, demonstrates the use of integrating technology as a learning tool in the classroom. In today's society many people use technology not designed for education purposes such as facebook, twitter, micro-blogging and/or music software. Many students enjoy working with these types of technology, by merging fun technology and education can make learning fun and creative. For example, micro blogging sites such as twitter can be used to engage students in class discussions. For Students who are typically shy in class, they may feel more comforatable engaging in online class dissucsions Another example,is music DJ software which can be used to teach mathematics. By making education more exciting and creative may promote learning in a positive light.  





Monday, January 31, 2011

Michelle's intro Letter

Hi Everyone,
My name is Michelle Krone I am originally from Northridge California. I lived and attended K-12 my school age years in the Northridge/ Granada Hills area. I graduated high school in 2000 from Granada Hill High School. Then received my Bachelors Degree in Social Work from San Diego State University. I am hoping to get into the credential program next semester so I can tech special ed.
My technology skills are horrible especially with Mac computers. I know basic computer knowledge. I am excited to learn how use a Mac computer as well as learn new computer skills.
The College of education Mission Statement states,"the commitment  to diversity, educational equality, and social justice, exemplified through reflective teaching, life long learning, innovative research and on going services" impacts me for a variety of reasons. I applied to CSUSM because I want to be a life long learner as well as an educator. I would like to teach special education and bring education equality and social justice to this population.