Saturday, April 23, 2011

Journal 9 (NETS 1, 2,3, 5)

Waters, J. (2011). Teaching green. The Journal, 38(4), Retrieved from

Summary: The article, Teaching Green by John Waters recommend several websites teachers and students can use to discuss environmental issues for various age groups. The first site is Classroom Earth, which provides activities for high school students. The website provides lesson plans in all subjects from biology to art. The website also provides classes which are available to further education. A second site is A Walk In The Woods, which targets city kids from third to fifth grade. This amazing site gives city children the opportunity to access the nature through a virtual tour. These city students otherwise may never have the opportunity to see the woods. The virtual tour includes graphic verbal description along with sound effects. Another website is EEK! which, provide students from the fourth to eight grade an 'electronic magazine' of environmental information. Finally there was PowerUp, this is an education video game. This allows students to learn about extreme weather and fossils fuels in a creative way.

Question 1: Should students learn about being green in school?
I think this is an amazing article which provides very knowledgeable material. Environment issues are a part of science. I believe this subject is very important to are environment. Many of these sites have creative methods in teaching green which will support creativity. For example, students can think about being green and start a recycle fund raiser and/or organize a trash cleanup day.

Question 2: How can you teach green?
With technology tools teachers are able to access endless amounts of knowledge. Students are not limited to just the teacher’s knowledge. As an educator it is our responsibility to be learners. Digital technology supports this.

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