Monday, March 7, 2011

Friday, March 4, 2011

Journal 5: Should Schools be Responsible for Cyberbullying? (NETS-T V)

Bogacz, R, & Gordillo, M. (2011). Should schools be held responsible for cyberbullying. Learning & Leading with Technology, Retrieved from,

In the article, Should Schools be Held Responsible for Cyberbullying argues for and against the induviduals who should be held responsible over cyberbullying. Renne Bogacz, explains the problems of cyberbulling can result into children taking their own lives. Cyberbulling effects the school community therefore, educating parents, teachers and school administrator about the cyberbulling is vital. While Miguel Gordillo believe cyberbulling is a behavior problem which stems from home issues. Bully is a result of broken homes which can not be a schools issue. Parental love and support is the cure to end all bully issues.

Question 1: Who do you feel should be responsible for cyberbullying? What should be done?
Cyberbulling effects the school learning environment which should be addressed in school Most cyberbulling is directly correlated with bullying in general. With some schools being on a tight budget addressing the problem can be costly. In alternative way would be to address them as an individual basis. As well as including the issue as a class lecture topic.
Questions 2: With the increase of cyberbullying should their be more internet restriction in the school?
Bullying and cyberbulling will continue being an issue. By teaching technology skills teachers will have a chance to monitor the problem as well as teach students proper internet behavior.

Journal 4: Classroom Technology (NETS-T I-V)

Schaffhauser, D. (2010, December 1). It's time to trust teachers with the internet:: a conversation with Meg Ormiston. Retrieved from

In this digital age society teachers are being pressured to learn and use technology in the classrooms. Teachers then try to incorporate these web tools into their curriculum, to discover many of web sites are regulated. School administrator continue  placing internet site  restrictions for poor reasoning and/or reasons unknown. Meg Ormiston a advocate of integrating technology in schools, believes school district are placing these internet restrictions due to the lack of trust in the teachers. 

Question 1: As a teacher why do you feel it is important to gain access to web 2.0 social web sites?
Allowing technology into the classrooms promotes and models digit citizenship and responsibility. Cyber bulling has become a problem in this 21 century. If teacher gain access to these sites they are able to guide and monitor the students while educating students appropriate online behavior. 

Question 2: What are the pro and cons with incorporating web 2.0 in the classrooms?
Using web 2.0 in the classrooms may inspire students learning and creativity. Allowing all students to voice their opinions.
However giving students Internet access may lead to cyber bullying and tempt students to socialize.


Journal 1: DO Web 2.0 Right (NETS-T I-V)

Journal 1: Do Web 2.0 Right (NETS-T I-V)

Light, D. (2011, February). Do web 2.0 right. Leaning and Leading with Technology, 38(5), Retrieved from

In the article, Do Web 2.0 Right, a team of researchers look into effective ways a teachers can incorporate web 2.0 tools successfully into the classroom. They discovered three elements making the use of  web 2.0 tools such as, wikis and/or blogs work successful in the classroom. First element, is incorporating web tools into students daily activities. This can engage better communication and writing skills. In addition, students who are typically shy in person, online communication may allow them to voice their opinions. Secondly, careful consideration of the audience who will have access to the students information. As well as, careful consideration of the topics discussed between the audience. The third element is appropriate online behavior. Students need to respect each other online as well as off. All web use should pertain to class material and class discussions, no social networking between students.

Question 1:  Why might web 2.0 be useful in the classroom?
By incorporating technology into the classrooms adds another dimension of learning which enhances engagement, communication and creativity. This allow students who are typically shy in class, a chance to feel more comfortable, engaging in class discussions. This also promotes a community of educators, allowing student to use and share ideas and knowledge amongst each other. 

Question 2: What can cause web 2.0 to be unsuccessful in the classroom?
Web 2.0 can be unsuccessful if students are not clear about the appropriate use of web 2.0.Teachers should give clear instructions on the rules and assignments. Any technology use should be for educational purposes only. Social networking amongst the students is not prohibited. Appropriate online behavior is mandatory amongst the students.

Journal 2: Join the Flock (NETS-T III, IV, V)

Ferguson, H. (2010). Join the flock!. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(8), Retrieved from

Miller, S.M. (2010). Enhance your twitter experience. Leading and Learning With Technology, 37(8), Retrieved from

In article one, Hadley Ferguson invites readers to a join professional learning network (PLN) community on twitter. Twitter holds a web community of professional learners of all types of interest such  math and/or science, elementary school and/or high school. Building your PLN on twitter takes time and dedication. However the pay off is big, the profession of learning and teaching will grow and continue to develop. In the second article, Shannon McClintok Miller shares her knowledge about twitter, by offering tips on acquiring proficiency on twitter. She suggest using 'TweetDeck' or 'Hootsuite' for organization. As well as 'hashtag' to increase your network and knowledge.

Question 1:Why would joining twitter be beneficial to a teacher?
As a future teacher I believe it is vital to model digital work and learning. Twitter can be a place where teachers can find knowledge on a subject matter and share teaching ideas.Teachers are able to acquire knowledge while improving their teaching skills.

Question 2: How will you as a teacher enhance your use on twitter?
I will enhance my experience on twitter by carefully building my twitter PLN community which is relevant to what I am teaching and other educational interest. My network will consist of professionals with valuable information on general education and/or special education. I will also spend the majority of my time on twitter for research and education purposes.   

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Journal 3: 100 THINGS (NETS-T I)

Journal 3:  In honor of Valentine's Day (or week for my Thursday class), I want you to compose a list of 100 things that make you happy.  I want them numbered and of course there is no APA citation needed.  When you feel stressed out around Spring Break, you can refer back to your list to re-ground yourself ;-)

  1. My baby Taylor
  2. My husband
  3. My chihuahua Taco
  4. My chihuahua Cha Cha
  5. My chihuahua Chica
  6. My English Mastiff Molly
  7. My Giant sSchnauzer Edie
  8. Beah
  9. Walking my dogs
  10. Red wine
  11. Taylor taking long naps
  12. When my baby sleep through the night
  13. Beach cruising
  14. Chocolate
  15. Italian food
  16. Vacations
  17. Shopping
  18. New Jeans
  19. Getting my nails done
  20. Sleep
  21. Exercising
  22. Family
  23. My sister Jessica
  24. My sister Jackie
  25. My brother Frank
  26. My brother Al
  27. My Dad
  28. The fact that I live far away from my family
  29. My mother-in law
  30. Clean house
  31. Clean car
  32. Flowers
  33. Reading
  34. Spin Class
  35. Watching Taylor learn how to walk
  36. Taking Taylor to music class
  37. Teaching Taylor how to swim
  38. Making Taylor laugh
  39. Laughing
  40. Music
  41. Watching my dogs go crazy at dog beach
  42. Learning
  43. Cute purses
  44. Jokes
  45. Sunday Football
  46. Dodgers
  47. Running
  48. Coffee
  49. Jewelry
  50. Getting my teeth clean
  51. Reading
  52. Kate Session Park
  53. Edu 422 Class
  54. Foosball
  55. drinks with umbrellas
  56. Friends
  57. San Diego
  58. Sunset
  59. Watching the sunset while drinking red wine
  60. Nice dinners
  61. Margaritas 
  62. Thanksgiving
  63. Strawberries
  64. Massages
  65. Hiking
  66. Fireplace
  67. bond fires
  68. Smores
  69. Traveling
  70. Home cooked food
  71. Kittens
  72. Plays
  73. Concerts
  74. Make-up
  75. Nice people
  76. My Grandma
  77. Laptop
  78. Shopping for my baby
  79. Pictures
  80. TV
  81. Pools
  82. Sunny day's
  83. Organization
  84. Hot showers
  85. IPOD
  86. High heels
  87. Rain boots
  88. Umbrellas
  89. Dog park
  90. Taking Taylor to the park
  91. Watching Taylor play with baby friends
  92. Chocolate covered Strawberries
  93. Bowling
  94. Getting eyebrows waxed
  95. Spray tans
  96. Volunteering
  97. Sea world
  98. Holiday
  99. Clean Dogs
  100. Nice views