Monday, February 28, 2011

Technology Self Assessment: School 2.0 (NETS 3)

I investigated NETS-T Module number three, Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experience and Assessment. Professional growth as a teacher can require learning new educational information as well as learning new teaching methods. The article, Using the TPACK Framework: You Can Have your Hot Tools and Teach with Them, Too, demonstrates the use of integrating technology as a learning tool in the classroom. In today's society many people use technology not designed for education purposes such as facebook, twitter, micro-blogging and/or music software. Many students enjoy working with these types of technology, by merging fun technology and education can make learning fun and creative. For example, micro blogging sites such as twitter can be used to engage students in class discussions. For Students who are typically shy in class, they may feel more comforatable engaging in online class dissucsions Another example,is music DJ software which can be used to teach mathematics. By making education more exciting and creative may promote learning in a positive light.